2023 Homecoming Sales
October 4, 2023 @ 2:15PM — November 1, 2023 @ 11:55PM Central Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
: 900 W. Daisy Bates Dr Kelly Hall Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Get Directions
Grab your bundle today & SAVE!!!
Its almost that time for this year's homecoming celebration!!!! Grab your bundle today and save!!! Alumni Bundles will be mailed out for convenience, student will be emailed when their bundle is ready for pick up.
Student Bundle Includes: PSU Merchandise: Beanie, Bag, Keychain, T-shirt, and tumbler. PSU Events: Neophyte Show, Daze of Chaos Student Party, All White Day Party, Greek Show, Basketball game.
Alumni Bundle Includes: PSU Merchandise: Beanie, Bag, Keychain, T-shirt, scarf, tumbler, and parking decal. PSU Events: Greek Show, Alumni Mixer, Basketball Game